Yumpu releases magazines, documents and catalogs on the internet. Publish for free. Gain new readers and costumers worldwide.Read the latest magazines about Merseyworld.com and discover magazines. Use this program to calculate the stacking distance only for the similar antennas with same band. K6VHF Softantenna design, ASC, stack array, yagi. Specific design features, modes and conditions of their operation in comparison with traditional freight. A computer program that implements it were. Of his DL6WU Yagi design program is publicly available as a BASIC listing or on disk; further details of availability of computer programs. Yagi Calculator (Yagi. Cool jazz font apk free download. Yagi Calculator is a Windows program that also runs well on Linux, Ubuntu 8.10 under Wine, to produce dimensions for a DL6WU style long Yagi. The latter was probably solved best by the firm wrapping of the elements as done in the quite similar DUBUS yagi design from DL6WU/. No program could.
10 m band are due to low solar activity, and hence the small number of possible stations, riešili v contestoch len nenáročnou anténou, CB as a vertical. In the spring we installed a 4el. oil, which lay a long time in the cellar. The original owner was happy with it (during solar maxima), We liked, however, little. One of the tasks before the next race was the aerial Reconnaissance.
The original antenna had a boom with a length of 4 m. Program MMANA-GAL calculated, that the frequency 28.5 MHz in free space the antenna impedance 40 -j2 ohms, profit 4,5 dBd and before-back ratio of just over 10 dB.
Based on documents G0KSC http://www.g0ksc.co.uk/sc2104s.html I did the conversion of this attractive design antenna for 10 meters band. G0KSC yagi is very easy due to the direct power supply, antenna coaxial cable with a member of adjustment. MMANA-GAL shows these parameters: impedance 50 + j3 ohmy, profit 6,2 dBd and before-back ratio of about. 20dB. Moreover, the boom is about thirty centimeters shorter.
Uhf Yagi Design
These parameters are now much more interesting than the original antenna. Editing involves the removal betamatch-in, shorten the boom, drilled new holes for handles elements and adapting the length of elements. Modification of our yagi was difficult because, that the previous owner too shortened elements and so I had to replace the pipe end or redundancy thinner tube, to achieve the desired size. T?the dimensions are adjusted 4el.yagi antenna:
Element | Length | Position the boom-e |
Reflector | 5,30m | 0m |
Žiarič | 5,14m | 1,29m |
Dl | 4,88m | 1,78m |
D2 | 4,66m | 3,7m |
After changing the dimensions of the antenna is subjected to the measurement antenna analyzer. The measurements were performed at app. 5m coaxial cable RG-213 of 3.5 m. To reduce the impact of the second antenna near the yagi was against it turned 90 °. Here are the results of measurements:
Yagi Antenna Calculator Dl6wu
Frequency | Impedance | PSV |
27,8 MHz | 67 + j0 | 1,35 |
27,9 MHz | 62 + j0 | 1,26 |
28,0 MHz | 59 + j0 | 1,18 |
28,1 MHz | 55 + j0 | 1,10 |
28,2 MHz | 52 + j0 | 1,06 |
28,3 MHz | 50 + j0 | 1,00 |
28,4 MHz | 48 + j0 | 1,08 |
28,5 MHz | 47 + j0 | 1,09 |
28,6 MHz | 47 + j0 | 1,09 |
28,7 MHz | 49 + j0 | 1,02 |
28,8 MHz | 50 + j0 | 1,00 |
28,9 MHz | 54 + j0 | 1,10 |
The imaginary component of the frequency analyzer appeared under 27,6 MHz and at 29.2 MHz, which is growing rapidly with distance from the center of Gaza. The antenna is therefore likely, nasimulované parameters that are confirmed and work on 10m band.
Book Review: The ARRL Antenna Designer’s Notebook by Brian Cake, KF2YN
Yagi Design Programs
January 27, 2010 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
The other day I was in HRO and scanning for some reading material for the long weekend. I ran across Brian Cake’s new book, The ARRL Antenna Designer’s Notebook. A brief skim of it showed that it actually covered a couple of interesting antenna types which I had never heard of: the Box Kite Yagi and the Twin C antenna and some brief forays into other topics, including ground planes and small transmitting loops.
About half the book is dedicated to the Box Kite Yagi, which are basically a collection of Yagi antennas which are carefully designed to optimize gain relative to previous state of the art Yagi antennas. For instance, a six element 2m Boxkite has a boom length of approximately 85 inches, and has a gain of approximately 14.6dBi. If I try to make a 144Mhz Yagi using DL6WU’s classic long Yagi design and with similar gain, I end up with a boom 427 inches long (almost five times as long). I frankly am not experienced enough at antenna design to understand the tradeoffs involved here, or whether there (say) the box kite is more sensitive to fabrication errors, but reducing the overall boom length to such a dramatic degree is very interesting. He also has designs for interesting dual band designs, such as a small 6m/2m yagi that has around a 7 foot boom. Very nice, and thought provoking. I’m wondering whether an antenna like this aimed toward the moon rise/set positions would enable me to receive JT65 EME transmissions. Very neat.
I’m also quite interested in the “C-pole” antenna design. It’s a short vertical antenna which has very good low angle takeoff, and requires no radial system. There was an article about them in QST a while back, but a lot more details in the book.

Some of the more thought provoking antenna design notes I’ve seen in a while. I am glad I picked it up.
Comment from Elwood Downey
Time 1/28/2010 at 1:41 pm
Brian’s original article about the C pole can be accessed by subscribers to QST here: http://p1k.arrl.org/cgi-bin/topdf.cgi?id=105127&pub=qst
Comment from Brian Cake
Time 2/2/2010 at 10:54 am
Very nice review of my book. Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed some of the contents. You give me too much credit for the performance of the 2m boxkite though…14.6 dBi from a DL6WU yagi requires a boomlength of 210 inches, not 427 :-). The DL6WU design website gives the gain in dBd, not dBi, so 14.6dBd is actually 16.74 dBi.
Still, almost a factor of 3 in boom length is nothing to sniff at! I am also a telescope man. I have the mirrors ready for an off-axis reflector and now that I’m done with the book I might just have the time to build it….its only been 5 years!!
Dl6wu Yagi Calculator
Thanks again and 73
Dl6wu Yagi Design Program Download
Brian KF2YN